Testimony of K. A. Taipale before the
The Privacy Implications of Government Data Mining Programs
Cite testimony as: Hearing on "The Privacy Implications of Government Data Mining Programs" before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary (Jan. 10, 2007) (Testimony of Kim Taipale, Executive Director, Center for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology Policy) available at TO PRINT: Download [PDF]
Responses to follow up questions of Senator Arlen Specter by Kim A. Taipale (01/30/07)
Cite Responses as: Hearing on "The Privacy Implications of Government Data Mining Programs" before the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary (January 10, 2007) (Responses to Follow-up Questions of Senator Alren Specter by Kim A. Taipale) available at
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TESTIMONY: The Privacy Implications of Government Data Mining Programs
Mr. Chairman Leahy, Ranking Member Specter, and Members of the Committee: Thank you for the opportunity to testify today on the Privacy Implications of Government Data Mining Programs.
Official U.S. Government policy calls for the research, development, and implementation of advanced information technologies for analyzing data, including data mining, in the effort to help protect national and domestic security. Civil libertarians and libertarians alike have decried and opposed these efforts as an unprecedented invasion of privacy and a fundamental threat to our freedoms.
While it is true that data mining technologies raise significant policy and privacy issues, the public debate on both sides suffers from a lack of clarity. Technical and policy misunderstandings have lead to the presentation of a false dichotomya choice between security or privacy.
In particular, many critics have asserted that data mining is an ineffectual tool for counterterrorism not likely to uncover any terrorist plots and that the number of false positives will waste resources and will impact too many innocent people. Unfortunately, many of these critics fundamentally misunderstand data mining and how it can be used in counterterrorism applications. My testimony today is intended to address some of these misunderstandings.
My name is Kim Taipale. I am the founder and executive director of the Center for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology Policy, an independent, non-partisan research organization focused on information, technology, and national security issues. I am the author of numerous law review articles, academic papers, and book chapters on issues involving technology, national security, and privacy, including several that address data mining in particular. [FN 1]
By way of further identification, I am also a senior fellow at the World Policy Institute at the New School and an adjunct professor of law at New York Law School. I also serve on the Markle Task Force on National Security in the Information Age, the Science and Engineering for National Security Advisory Board at the Heritage Foundation, and the Steering Committee of the American Law Institute project on government access to personal data. Of course, the opinions expressed here today are my own and do not represent the views of any of these organizations.
My testimony is founded on several axiomatic beliefs:
First, security and privacy are not dichotomous rivals to be "balanced" but rather vital interests to be reconciled (that is, they are dual obligations of a liberal republic, each to be maximized within the constraints of the otherthere is no fulcrum point at which the "right" amount of either security or privacy can be achieved);
Second, while technology development is not deterministic, it is inevitable (that is, we face a certain future of more data availability and more sophisticated analytic tools);
Third, political strategies premised on simply outlawing particular technologies or techniques are ultimately futile strategies that will result in little security and brittle privacy protections (that is, simply seeking to deny security services widely available tools is not feasible nor good security policy, and simply applying rigid prohibitions that may not survive if there were to be another catastrophic event is not good privacy policy); and
Fourth, and most importantly, while data mining (or any other) technology cannot provide security on its own, it can, if properly employed, improve intelligence gain and help better allocate scarce security resources, and, if properly designed, do so while still protecting privacy.
I should note that my testimony today is not intended either as critique or endorsement of any particular government data mining program or application, nor is it intended to make any specific policy or legal recommendation for any particular implementation. Rather, it seeks simply to elucidate certain issues at the intersection of technology and policy that are critical, in my view, to a reasoned debate and democratic resolution of these issues and that are widely misunderstood or misrepresented.
Nevertheless, before I begin, I proffer certain overriding policy principles that I believe should govern any development and implementation of these technologies in order to help reconcile security and privacy needs. These principles are:
First, that these technologies only be used as investigative, not evidentiary, tools (that is, used only as a predicate for further screening or investigation, but not for proof of guilt or otherwise to invoke significant adverse consequences automatically) and only for investigations or analysis of activities about which there is a political consensus that aggressive preventative strategies are appropriate or required (for example, the preemption of terrorist attacks or other threats to national security).
Second, that specific implementations be subject to strict congressional oversight and review, be subject to appropriate administrative procedures within executive agencies where they are to be employed, and be subject to appropriate judicial review in accordance with existing due process doctrines.
And, third, that specific technical features be developed and built into systems employing data mining technologies (including rule-based processing, selective revelation, and secure credentialing and tamper-proof audit functions) that, together with complimentary policy implementations (and appropriate systems architecture), can enable familiar, existing privacy protecting oversight and control mechanisms, procedures and doctrines (or their analogues) to function.
My testimony today is in four parts: the first deals with definitions; the second with the need to employ predictive tools in counterterrorism applications; the third answers in part the popular arguments against data mining; and the fourth offers a view in which technology and policy can be designed to conciliate privacy and security needs.
I. Parsing definitions: data mining and pornography.
In a recent policy brief [FN 2] (released by way of a press release headlined: Data Mining Doesn't Catch Terrorists: New Cato Study Argues it Threatens Liberty), [FN 3] the authors argue that "data mining" is a "fairly loaded term that means different things to different people" and that "discussions of data mining have probably been hampered by lack of clarity about its meaning," going on to postulate that "[i]ndeed, collective failure to get to the root of the term "data mining" may have preserved disagreements among people who may be in substantial agreement." The authors then proceed to define data mining extremely narrowly by overdrawing a popular but generally false dichotomy between subject-based and pattern-based analysis [FN 4] that allows them to conclude "that [predictive, pattern-based] data mining is costly, ineffective, and a violation of fundamental liberty" [FN 5] while still concluding that other "data analysis"including "bringing together more information from more diverse sources and correlating the data ... to create new knowledge"is not. [FN 6]
In another recent paper, [FN 7] the former director and deputy director of DARPA's Information Awareness Office describe "a vision for countering terrorism through information and privacy-protection technologies [that] was initially imagined as part of ... the Total Information Awareness (TIA) program." "[W]e believe two basic types of queries are necessary: subject-based queries ... and pattern-based queries ... . Pattern-based queries let analysts take a predictive model and create specific patterns that correspond to anticipated terrorist plots." However, "[w]e call our technique for counterterrorism activity data analysis, not data mining," they write.
It is thus sometimes hard to find the disagreement among the opponents and proponents as data mining seems somewhat like pornographyeveryone can be against it (or not engaged in it), as long as they get to define it. [FN 8] Since further parsing of definitions is unlikely to advance the debate let us simply assume instead that there is some form of data analysis based on using patterns and predication that raises novel and challenging policy and privacy issues. The policy concern, it seems to me, is how those issues might be managed to improve security while still protecting privacy.
II. The Need for Predictive Tools.
Security and privacy today both function within a changing context. The potential to initiate catastrophic outcomes that can actually threaten national security is devolving from other nation states (the traditional target of national security power) to organized but stateless groups (the traditional target of law enforcement power) blurring the previously clear demarcation between reactive law enforcement policies and preemptive national security strategies. Thus, there has emerged a political consensusat least with regard to certain threatsto take a preemptive rather than reactive approach. "Terrorism [simply] cannot be treated as a reactive law enforcement issue, in which we wait until after the bad guys pull the trigger before we stop them." [FN 9] The policy debate is no longer about preemption itselfeven the most strident civil libertarians concede the need to identify and stop terrorists before they actbut instead revolves around what methods are to be properly employed in this endeavor. [FN 10]
However, preemption of attacks that can occur at any place and any time requires information useful to anticipate and counter future eventsthat is, it requires actionable intelligence based on predictions of future behavior. Unfortunately, except in the case of the particularly clairvoyant, prediction of future behavior can only be assessed by examining and analyzing indicia derived from evidence of current or past behavior or from associations. Fortunately, terrorist attacks at scales that can actually endanger national security generally still require some form of organization. [FN 11] Thus, effective counterterrorism strategies in part require analysis to uncover evidence of organization, relationships, or other relevant indicia indicative or predictive of potential threatsthat is, actionable intelligenceso that additional law enforcement or security resources can then be allocated to such threats preemptively to prevent attacks.
Thus, the application of data mining technologies in this context is merely the computational automation of necessary and traditional intelligence and investigative techniques, in which, for example, investigators may use pattern recognition strategies to develop modus operandi ("MO") or behavioral profiles, which in turn may lead either to specific suspects (profiling as identifying pattern) or to attack-prevention strategies (profiling as predictor of future attacks, resulting, for example, in focusing additional security resources on particular places, likely targets, or potential perpetratorsthat is, to allocate security resources to counter perceived threats). Such intelligence-based policing or resource allocation is a routine investigative and risk-management practice.
The application of data mining technologies in the context of counterterrorism is intended to automate certain analytic tasks to allow for better and more timely analysis of existing data in order to help prevent terrorist acts by identifying and cataloging various threads and pieces of information that may already exist but remain unnoticed using traditional manual means of investigation. [FN 12] Further, it attempts to develop predictive models based on known or unknown patterns to identify additional people, objects, or actions that are deserving of further resource commitment or attention. Data mining is simply a productivity tool that when properly employed can increase human analytic capacity and make better use of limited security resources.
(Policy issues relating specifically to the use of data mining tools for analysis must be distinguished from issues relating more generally to data collection, aggregation, access, or fusion, each of which has its own privacy concerns unrelated to data mining itself and which may or may not be implicated by the use of data mining depending on its particular application. [FN 13] The relationship between scope of access, sensitivity of data, and method of query is a complex calculus, a detailed discussion of which is beyond the scope of my formal testimony today. [FN 14] Also to be distinguished for policy purposes, is decision-making, the process of determining thresholds and consequences of a match. [FN 15])
III. Answering the "case" against data mining.
The popular arguments made against employing data mining technologies in counterterrorism applications generally take two forms: the pseudo-technical argument, and the subjective-legal argument. Both appear specious, exhibiting different forms of inductive fallacies. [FN 16]
The pseudo-technical argument contends that the benefits to security of predictive data mining are minimal by concluding that "predictive data mining is not useful for counterterrorism" [FN 17] and the cost to privacy and civil liberties is too high. This view is generally supported through erecting a "straw man argument" using commercial data mining as a false analogy and applying a naive understanding of how data mining applications are actually deployed in the counterterrorism context.
The subjective-legal argument contends that predictive pattern-matching is simply unconstitutional. This view is based on a sophistic reading of legal precedent.
Although much of the concern behind these arguments is legitimatethat is, there are significant policy and privacy issues to be addressedthere are important insights and subtleties missing from the critics' technical and legal analysis that misdirect the public debate.
A. The Pseudo-technical Arguments Against Data Mining.
The pseudo-technical arguments are exemplified in the recent Cato brief referred to earlier, [FN 18] which proceeds in the main like this: predictive data mining is not useful for counterterrorism applications because (1) its use in commercial applications only generates slight improvements in target marketing response rates, (2) terrorist events are rare and so no useful patterns can be gleaned (the "training set" problem), and (3) the combination of (1) and (2) lead to such a high number of false positives so as to overwhelm or waste security resources and impose an impossibly high cost in terms of privacy and civil liberties.
While seemingly intuitive and logical on their face, these arguments fall flat upon analysis:
1. The False Analogy and the Base Rate Fallacy
Commercial data mining is propositional (uses statistically independent individual records) but counterterrorism data mining combines propositional with relational data mining. Commercial data mining techniques are generally applied against large transaction databases in order to classify people according to transaction characteristics and extract patterns of widespread applicability. They are most used in the area of consumer direct marketing and this is the example most used by critics.
In counterterrorism applications, however, the focus is on a smaller number of subjects within a large background population that may exhibit links and relationships, or related behaviors, within a far wider variety of activities. Thus, for example, a shared frequent flyer account number may or may not be suspicious alone, but sharing a frequent flyer number with a known or suspected terrorist is and should be investigated. And, to find the latter, you may need to screen the former. [FN 19]
Commercial data mining is focused on classifying propositional data from homogeneous databases (of like-transactions, for example, book sales), while counterterrorism applications seek to detect rare but significant relational links between heterogeneous data (representing a variety of activity or relations) among risk-adjusted populations. In general, commercial users have been concerned with identifying patterns among unrelated subjects based on their transactions in order to make predictions about other unrelated subjects doing the same. Intelligence analysts are interested in identifying patterns that evidence organization or activity among related subjects (or subjects pursuing related goals) in order to expose additional related or like subjects or activities. It is the network itself that must be identified, analyzed, and acted upon. [FN 20]
Thus, the low incremental improvement rates exhibited in commercial direct marketing applications are simply irrelevant to assessing counterterrorism applications because the analogy fails to consider the implications of relational versus propositional data, and, as discussed below in False Positives, ranking versus binary classification, and multi-pass versus single-pass inference. [FN 21]
However, even if the analogy was valid, the proponents of this argument fundamentally misinterpret the outcome of commercial data mining by failing to account for base rates in their examples. [FN 22] For instance, in the Cato brief the authors describe how the Acme Discount retailer might use "data mining" to target market the opening of a new store. [FN 23] In their example, Acme targets a particular consumer demographic in its new market based on a "data mining" analysis of their existing customers. Citing direct marketing industry average response rates in the low to mid single digits, the authors then conclude that the "false positives in marketers' searches for new customers are typically in excess of 90 percent."
The fallacy in this analysis is not accounting for the base rate of the observation in the general population of the old market when assessing the success in the new market. For simple example, suppose that an analysis of Acme's existing customers in the old market showed that all of their current customers "live in a home worth $150,000-$200,000." [FN 24] Acme then targets the same homeowners in the new market but only gets a 5 percent response rate, implying for the authors of the Cato brief a ninety-five percent false positive rate. But, if the number of their customers in the old market was only equal to 5 percent of the demographic in that general population (in other words, 100% of their customers fit the profile but their total number of customers was just 5 percent of homeowners in that demographic within the old market), then the 5 percent response rate in the new market is actually a 100% "success" rate, as they had 5 percent of the target market in their old market, and have captured 5 percent in the new market.
The use of propositional data mining simply allows Acme to reduce the cost of marketing to only those likely to respond, and is not intended to infer or assume that 100 percent of those targeted would respond. If the target demographic in the new market was half the general population, then Acme has improved its potential response rate 100 percentfrom 2.5 percent (if they had had to target the entire population) to 5 percent (by targeting only the appropriate demographic) thus, reducing their marketing costs by half. In data mining terms, this is the "lift"the increased response rate in the targeted population over that that would be expected in the general population. In the context of counterterrorism, any appreciable "lift" results in a better allocation of limited analytic or security resources. [FN 25]
2. The "Training Set" Problem.
Another common argument opposing the use of data mining in counterterrorism applications is that the relatively small number of actual terrorist events implies that there are no meaningful patterns to extract. Because propositional data mining in the commercial sector generally requires training patterns derived from millions of transactions in order to profile the typical or ideal customer or to make inferences about what an unrelated party may or may not do, proponents of this argument leap to the conclusion that the relative dearth of actual terrorist events undermines the use of data mining or pattern-analysis in counterterrorism applications. [FN 26]
Again, the Cato brief advances this argument: "Unlike consumers' shopping habits and financial fraud, terrorism does not occur with enough frequency to enable creation of valid predictive models." [FN 27] However, in counterterrorism applications patterns can be inferred from lower-level precursor activityfor example, illegal immigration, identity theft, money transfers, front businesses, weapons acquisition, attendance at training camps, targeting and surveillance activity, and recruiting activity, among others. [FN 28]
By combining multiple independent models aimed at identifying each of these lower level activities in what is commonly called an ensemble classifier, the ability to make inferences about (and potentially disrupt) the higher level, but rare, activitythe terror attackis greatly improved. [FN 29]
Additionally, patterns can be derived from "red-teaming" potential terrorist activity or attributes. Critics of data mining are quick to attack such methods as based on "movie plot" scenarios that are unlikely to uncover real terrorist activity. [FN 30] But, this view is based on a misunderstanding of how terrorist red teaming works. Red teams do not operate in a vacuum without knowledge of how real terrorists are likely to act.
For example, many Jihadist web sites provide training material based on experience gained from previous attacks. In Iraq, for instance, insurgent web sites explain in great detail the use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and how to stage attacks. Other sites aimed at global jihad and not tied to the conflict in Iraq describe more generally how to stage attacks on rail lines, airplanes, or other infrastructure, and how to take advantage of Western security practices. So-called "tradecraft" web sites provide analysis of how other plots were uncovered and provide countermeasure training. [FN 31] All of these, combined with detailed review of previous attacks and methods as well as current intelligence reports, provide insight into how terrorist activity is likely to be carried out in the future, particularly by loosely affiliated groups or local "copycat" cells who may get much of their operational training through the Internet.
Another criticism leveled at pattern-analysis and matching is that terrorists will "adapt" to screening algorithms by adopting countermeasures or engaging in other avoidance behavior. [FN 32] However, it is a well-known adage of counterterrorism strategy that increasing the "cost" of terrorist activity by forcing countermeasures or avoidance behavior increases the risk of detection by creating more opportunities for error as well as opportunities to spot avoidance behavior that itself may exhibit an observable signature.
For instance, in IRA-counterterror operations the British would often watch secondary roads when manning a roadblock at a major intersection to try to spot avoidance behavior. So too, at Israeli checkpoints and border crossings, secondary observation teams are often assigned to watch for avoidance behavior in crowds or surrounding areas. Certain avoidance behavior and countermeasures detailed on Jihadist websites can be spotted through electronic surveillance, as well as potentially through more general data analysis. [FN 33] Indeed, it is an effective counterterrorism tactic to "force" observable avoidance behavior by engaging in activity that elicits known countermeasures and then searching for those signatures.
3. False Positives.
It is commonly agreed that the use of classifiers to detect extremely rare eventseven with a highly accurate classifieris likely to produce mostly false positives. For example, assuming a classifier with a 99.9% accuracy rate applied to the U.S. population of approximately 300 million, and assuming only 3000 true positives (.001%), then some 299,997 false positives and 2997 true positives would be identified through screeningmeaning over 100 times more false positives than true positives were selected and 3 true positives would be missed (i.e., there would be 3 false negatives). However, generalizing this simple example to oppose the use of data mining applications in counterterrorism is based on a naive view of how actual detection systems function and is falsely premised on the assumption that a single classifier operating on a single database would be used and that all entities classified "positive" in that single pass would suffer unacceptable consequences. [FN 34]
In contrast, real detection systems employ ensemble and multiple stage classifiers to carefully selected databases, with the results of each stage providing the predicate for the next. [FN 35] At each stage only those entities with positive classifications are considered for the next and thus subject to additional data collection, access, or analysis at subsequent stages. This architecture significantly improves both the accuracy and privacy impact [FN 36] of systems, reduces false positives, and significantly reduces data requirements. [FN 37] On first glance, such an architecture might also suggest the potential for additional false negatives since only entities scored positive at earlier stages are screened at the next stage, however, in relational systems where classification is coupled with link analysis, true positives identified at each subsequent stage provide the opportunity to reclaim false negatives from earlier stages by following relationship linkages back. [FN 38]
Research using model architectures incorporating an initial risk-adjusted population selection, two subsequent stages of classification, and one group (link) detection calculation has shown greatly reduced false positive selection with virtually no false negatives. [FN 39] A simplistic description of such a system includes the initial selection of a risk-adjusted group in which there is "lift" from the general population, that is, where the frequency of true positives in the selected group exceeds that in the background population. First stage screening of this population then occurs with high selectivity (that is, with a bias towards more false positives and fewer false negatives). Positives from the first stage are then screened with high sensitivity in the second stage (that is, with more accurate but costly [FN 40] classifiers creating a bias towards only true positives). In each case, link analyses from true positives are used at each stage to recover false negatives from prior stages. Comparison of this architecture with other models has shown it to be especially advantageous for detecting extremely rare phenomena. [FN 41]
Thus, early research has shown that multi-stage classification is a feasible design for investigation and detection of rare events, especially where there are strong group linkages that can compensate for false negatives. These multi-stage classification techniques can significantly reduceperhaps to acceptable levelsthe otherwise unacceptably large number of false positives that can result from even highly accurate single stage screening for rare phenomena. Such architecture can also eliminate most entities from suspicion early in the process at relatively low privacy costs. [FN 42] Obviously, at each subsequent stage additional privacy and screening costs are incurred. Additional research in real world detection systems is required to determine if these costs can be reduced to acceptable levels for wide-spread use. The point is not that all privacy risks can be eliminatedthey cannot beonly that these technologies can improve intelligence gain by helping better allocate limited analytic resources and that effective system design together with appropriate policies can mitigate many privacy concerns.
Recognizing that no systemtechnical or other [FN 43]can provide absolute security or absolute privacy also means that no technical system or technology ought to be burdened with meeting an impossible standard for perfection, especially prior to research and development for its particular use. Technology is a tool and as such it should be evaluated by its ability to either improve a process over existing or alternative means or not. Opposition to research programs on the basis that the technologies "might not work" is an example of what has been called the "zero defect" culture of punishing failure, a policy that stifles bold and creative ideas. [FN 44]
B. The Subjective-legal Arguments Against Data Mining.
To some observers, predictive data mining and pattern-matching also raise Constitutional issues. In particular, it is argued that probability-based suspicion is inherently unreasonable and that pattern-matching does not satisfy the particularity requirements of the Fourth Amendment. [FN 45]
However, for a particular method to be categorically Constitutionally suspect as unreasonable, its probative valuethat is, the confidence interval for its particular useis the relevant criterion. Thus, for example, racial profiling may not be the sole basis for a reasonable suspicion for law enforcement purposes because race has been determined to not be a reliable predictor of criminality. [FN 46]
However, to assert that automated pattern analysis based on behavior or data profiles is inherently unreasonable or suspect without determining its efficacy in the circumstances of a particular use seems analytically unsound. The Supreme Court has specifically held that the determination of whether particular criteria are sufficient to meet the reasonable suspicion standard does not turn on the probabilistic nature of the criteria but on their probative weight:
The process [of determining reasonable suspicion] does not deal with hard certainties, but with probabilities. Long before the law of probabilities was articulated as such, practical people formulated certain common-sense conclusions about human behavior; jurors as factfinders are permitted to do the sameand so are law enforcement officers. [FN 47]
The fact that patterns of relevant indicia of suspicion may be generated by automated analysis (data-mined) or matched through automated means (computerized pattern-matching) should not change the analysisthe reasonableness of suspicion should be judged on the probative value of the predicate in the particular circumstances of its usenot on its probabilistic nature or whether it is technically mediated.
The point is not that there is no privacy issue involved but that the issue is the traditional onewhat subjective and objective expectations of privacy should reasonably apply to the data being analyzed or observed in relation to the government's need for that data in a particular context [FN 48]not a categorical dismissal of technique based on assertions of "non-particularized suspicion."
Automated pattern-analysis is the electronic equivalent of observing suspicious behaviorthe appropriate question is whether the probative weight of any particular set of indicia is reasonable, [FN 49] and what data should be available for analysis. There are legitimate privacy concerns relating to the use of any preemptive policing techniquesbut there is not a presumptive Fourth Amendment non-particularized suspicion problem inherent in the technology or technique even in the case of automated pattern-matching. Pattern-based queries are reasonable or unreasonable only in the context of their probative value in an intended applicationnot because they are automated or not.
Further, the particularity requirement of the Fourth Amendment does not impose an irreducible requirement of individualized suspicion before a search can be found reasonable, or even to procure a warrant. [FN 50] In at least six cases, the Supreme Court has upheld the use of drug courier profiles as the basis to stop and subject individuals to further investigative actions. [FN 51] More relevant, the court in United States v. Lopez, [FN 52] upheld the validity of hijacker behavior profiling, opining that "in effect ... [the profiling] system itself ... acts as informer" serving as sufficient Constitutional basis for initiating further investigative actions. [FN 53]
Again, although data analysis technologies, including specifically predictive, pattern-based data mining, do raise legitimate and compelling privacy concerns, these concerns are not insurmountable (nor unique to data mining) and can be significantly mitigated by incorporating privacy needs in the technology and policy development and in the system design process itself. By using effective architectures and building in technical features that support policy (including through the use of "policy appliances" [FN 54]) these technologies can be developed and employed in a way that potentially leads to increased security (through more effective intelligence production and better resource allocation) while still protecting privacy interests.
IV. Designing Policy-enabling Architecture and Building in Technical Constraints
Thus, assuming some acceptable baseline efficacy to be determined through research and application experience, I believe that privacy concerns relating to data mining in the context of counterterrorism can be significantly mitigated by developing technologies and systems architectures that enable existing legal doctrines and related procedures (or their analogues) to function:
First, that rule-based processing and a distributed database architecture can significantly ameliorate the general data aggregation problem by limiting or controlling the scope of inquiry and the subsequent processing and use of data within policy guidelines; [FN 55]
Second, that multi-stage classification architectures and iterative analytic processes together with selective revelation (and selective access) can reduce both the general privacy and the non-particularized suspicion problems, by enabling incremental human process intervention at each stage before additional data collection, access or disclosure (including, in appropriate contexts, judicial intervention or other external due process procedures); [FN 56] and
Finally, that strong credential and audit features and diversifying authorization and oversight can make misuse and abuse "difficult to achieve and easy to uncover." [FN 57]
Data mining technologies are analytic tools that can help improve intelligence gain from available information thus resulting in better allocation of both scarce human analytic resources as well as security response resources.
The threat of potential catastrophic outcomes from terrorist attacks raises difficult policy choices for a free society. The need to preempt terrorist acts before they occur challenges traditional law enforcement and policing constructs premised on reacting to events that have already occurred. However, using data mining systems to improve intelligence analysis and help allocate security resources on the basis of risk and threat management may offer significant benefits with manageable harms if policy and system designers take the potential for errors into account during development and control for them in deployment.
Of course, the more reliant we become on probability-based systems, the more likely we are to mistakenly believe in the truth of something that might turn out to be false. That wouldn't necessarily mean that the original conclusions or actions were incorrect. Every decision in which complete information is unavailable requires balancing the cost of false negatives (in this case, not identifying terrorists before they strike) with those of false positives (in this case, the attendant effect on civil liberties and privacy). When mistakes are inevitable, prudent policy and design criteria include the need to provide for elegant failures, including robust error control and correction, in both directions.
Thus, any wide-spread implementations of predictive, pattern-based data-mining technologies should be restricted to investigative outcomes (i.e., not automatically trigger significant adverse effects); and should generally be subject to strict congressional oversight and review, be subject to appropriate administrative procedures within executive agencies where they are to be employed, and, to the extent possible in any particular context, be subject to appropriate judicial review in accordance with existing due process doctrines. However, because of the complexity of the interaction among scope of access, sensitivity of data, and method of query, no a priori determination that restrictively or rigidly prohibits the use of a particular technology or technique of analysis is possible, or, in my view, desirable. [FN 58] Innovationwhether technical or humanrequires the ability to evolve and adapt to the particular circumstance of needs.
Reconciling competing requirements for security and privacy requires an informed debate in which the nature of the problem is better understood in the context of the interests at stake, the technologies at hand for resolution, and the existing resource constraints. Key to resolving these issues is designing a policy and information architecture that can function together to achieve both outcomes, and is flexible and resilient enough to adapt to the rapid pace of technological development and the evolving nature of the threat.
I would again like to thank the Committee for this opportunity to discuss the Privacy Implications of Government Data Mining Programs. These are difficult issues that require a serious and informed public dialogue. Thus, I commend the Chairman and this Committee for holding these hearings and for engaging in this endeavor.
Thank you and I welcome any questions that you may have.
Go to Responses to follow-up questions of Senator Alren Specter.
1. See, e.g., Data Mining and Domestic Security: Connecting the Dots to Make Sense of Data, 5 COLUMBIA SCI. & TECH. L. REV. 2 (Dec. 2003) [hereinafter "Connecting the Dots"]; Technology, Security and Privacy: The Fear of Frankenstein, the Mythology of Privacy, and the Lessons of King Ludd, 7 YALE J. L. & TECH. 123 (Mar. 2004) [hereinafter "Frankenstein"]; The Trusted System Problem: Security Envelopes, Statistical Threat Analysis, and the Presumption of Innocence, IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, V.20 No.5, (Sep./Oct. 2005); Designing Technical Systems to Support Policy: Enterprise Architecture, Policy Appliances, and Civil Liberties, in EMERGENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND ENABLING POLICIES FOR COUNTER TERRORISM (Robert Popp and John Yen, eds., Wiley-IEEE, Jun. 2006); Whispering Wires and Warrantless Wiretaps: Data Mining and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance, NYU REV. L. & SECURITY, NO. VII SUPL. (Spring 2006); Why Can't We All Get Along? How Technology, Security and Privacy Can Co-exist in a Digital World, in CYBERCRIME: DIGITAL COPS IN A NETWORKED ENVIRONMENT (Ex Machina: Law, Technology, and Society Book Series) (Jack Balkin, et al., eds., NYU Press, 2007); and The Ear of Dionysus: Rethinking Foreign Intelligence Surveillance, 9 YALE J. L. & TECH. (Spring 2007).
2. Jeff Jonas & Jim Harper, Effective Counterterrorism and the Limited Role of Predictive Data Mining, Cato Institute (Dec. 11, 2006) at p. 5.
3. Press Release, Data Mining Doesn't Catch Terrorists: New Cato Study Argues it Threatens Liberty (Dec. 11, 2006) available at
4. Sophisticated data mining applications use both known (observed) and unknown (queried) variables and use both specific facts (i.e., relating to subjects or entities) and general knowledge (i.e., patterns) to draw inferences. Thus, subject-based and pattern-based are just two ends of spectrum.
5. Press Release, supra note 3.
6. Jonas & Harper, supra note 2 at 4-6. Compare, however, one of the author's previous conclusion that "[w]hen a government is faced with an overwhelming number of predicates (i.e., subjects of investigative interest), data mining can be quite useful for triaging (prioritizing) which subjects should be pursued first. One example: the hundreds of thousands of people currently in the United States with expired visas. The student studying virology from Saudi Arabia holding an expired visa might be more interesting than the holder of an expired work visa from Japan writing game software." (Mar. 12, 2006). Thus highlighting again that even predictive pattern-based data mining can be both "ineffective" and "quite useful" for counterterrorism applications depending seemingly only on the felicitousness of the definition applied.
7. Robert Popp & John Poindexter, Countering Terrorism through Information and Privacy Protection Technologies, IEEE SECURITY & PRIVACY, Vol. 4, No. 6 (Nov./Dec. 2006) pp. 18-27.
8. Cf., Jacobellis v. Ohio, 378 U.S. 184 (1964) (Stewart, J., concurring) in which Justice Potter Stewart famously declared that although he could not define hard-core pornography, "he knows it when he sees it." Note that definitions of data mining in public policy range from the seemingly limitless, for example, the DoD Technology and Privacy Advisory Committee (TAPAC) Report defines "data mining" to mean "searches of one or more electronic databases of information concerning U.S. person by or on behalf of an agency or employee of the government," to the non-existent, for example, The Data-Mining Moratorium Act of 2003, S. 188, 108th Cong. (2003), which does not even define "data-mining."
9. Editorial, The Limits of Hindsight, WALL ST. J. (Jul. 28, 2003) at A10. See also U.S. Department of Justice, Fact Sheet: Shifting from Prosecution to Prevention, Redesigning the Justice Department to Prevent Future Acts of Terrorism (May 29, 2002).
10. See generally Alan Dershowitz, PREEMPTION: A KNIFE THAT CUTS BOTH WAYS (W.W. Norton & Company 2006).
11. For example, highly coordinated conventional attacks, multidimensional assaults calculated to magnify the disruption, or the use of chemical, biological, or nuclear (CBN) weapons, are all still likely require some coordination of actions or resources.
12. Data mining is intended to turn low-level data, usually too voluminous to understand, into higher forms (information or knowledge) that might be more compact (for example, a summary), more abstract (for example, a descriptive model), or more useful (for example, a predictive model). See also Jensen, infra note 28, at slide 22 ("A key problem [for using data mining for counter-terrorism] is to identify high-level thingsorganizations and activitiesbased on low-level datapeople, places, things and events."). Data mining can allow human analysts to focus on higher-level analytic tasks by identifying obscure relationships and connections among low-level data.
13. The question of what data should be available for analysis, under what procedure, and by what agency is a related but genuinely separate policy issue from that presented by whether automated analytic tools such as data mining should be used. For a discussion of issues relating to data access and sharing, see the Second Report of the Markle Taskforce on National Security in the Information Age, Creating a Trusted Information Sharing Network for Homeland Security (2003). For a discussion of government access to information from the private sector and a proposed data-classification structure providing for different levels of process based on data sensitivity, see p. 66 of that report. For a discussion of the legal and policy issues of data aggregation generally, see Connecting the Dots, supra note 1 at 58-60; Frankenstein, supra note 1 at 171-182.
14. For a detailed discussion of these issues, including a lengthy analysis of the interaction among scope of access, sensitivity of data, and method of query in determining reasonableness, see Towards a Calculus of Reasonableness, in Frankenstein, supra note 1 at 202-217.
15. For a discussion of how the "reasonableness" of decision thresholds should vary with threat environment and security needs, see Frankenstein, supra note 1 at 215-217 ("No system ... should be ... constantly at ease or constantly at general quarters.")
16. In addition, these arguments are not unique to data mining. The problems of efficacy, "training sets", and false positives (as discussed below) are problems common to all methods of intelligence in the counterterrorism context. So, too, the issue of probabilistic predicate and non-particularized suspicion (also discussed below) are common to any preventative or preemptive policing strategy.
17. See, e.g., Jonas & Harper, supra note 2 at 7.
18. The use of the Cato brief as exemplar of the pseudo-technical argument is not intended as an attack on the authors, both of whom are well-respected and knowledgeable in their respective fields. Indeed, it is precisely the point that even relatively knowledgeable people perpetuate popular misunderstanding regarding the use of data mining in counterterrorism applications. Even within the technical community there is significant divergence in understanding about what these technologies can do, what particular government research programs entail, and the potential impact on privacy and civil liberties of these technologies and programs. Compare, e.g., the Letter from Public Policy Committee of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) to Senators John Warner and Carl Levin (Jan. 23, 2003) (expressing reservations about the TIA program) with the view of the Executive Committee of the Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD) of the of the ACM, Data Mining is NOT Against Civil Liberties (June 30, rev'd July 28, 2003) (defending data mining technology and expressing concern that the public debate has been ill-informed and misleading).
19. The relevant risk-adjusted population to be screened initially in this example might be all frequent flyer accounts, which would then be subject to two subsequent stages of classification: the first to screen for shared accounts, and the second to screen for shared accounts where one entity or attribute had some suspected terrorist "connection," for example a phone number known to have been used previously by suspected terrorists). Such analyses simply cannot be done manually. More intrusive investigation or analysis would be conducted only against the latter in subsequent stages (and further investigation, data access, or analysis, could be subject to any appropriate legal controls required by the context, for example a FISA warrant to target communications, etc.). See the discussion of multi-pass screening in subsection False Positives, infra, for a discussion of how such architecture reduces false positives and provides opportunities to minimize privacy intrusions by controlling access and revelation at each stage.
20. Covert social networks exhibit certain characteristics that can be identified. Post-hoc analysis of the September 11 terror network shows that these relational networks exist and can be identified, at least after the fact. Vladis E. Krebs, Uncloaking Terrorist Networks, FIRST MONDAY (mapping and analyzing the relational network among the September 11 hijackers). Research on mafia and drug smuggling networks show characteristics particular to each kind of organization, and current social network research in counterterrorism is focused on identifying unique characteristics of terror networks. See generally Philip Vos Fellman & Roxana Wright, Modeling Terrorist Networks: Complex Systems at the Mid-Range, presented at Complexity, Ethics and Creativity Conference, LSE, Sept. 17-18, 2003; Joerg Raab & H. Briton Milward, Dark networks as problems, J. OF PUB. ADMIN. RES. & THEORY, Vol. 13 No. 4 at 413-439 (2003); Matthew Dombroski et al., Estimating the Shape of Covert Networks, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 8TH INT'L COMMAND AND CONTROL RES. AND TECH. SYMPOSIUM (2003); H. Brinton Milward & Joerg Raab, Dark Networks as Problems Revisited: Adaptation and Transformation of Islamic Terror Organizations since 9/11, presented at the 8th Publ. Mgt. Res. Conference at the School of Policy, Planning and Development at University of Southern California, Los Angeles (Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 2005); D. B. Skillicorn, Social Network Analysis Via Matrix Decomposition, in EMERGENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND ENABLING POLICIES FOR COUNTER TERRORISM (Robert Popp and John Yen, eds., Wiley-IEEE, Jun. 2006).
21. See David Jensen, Matthew Rattigan & Hannah Blau, Information Awareness: A Prospective Technical Assessment, Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGKDD '03 International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (Aug. 2003).
22. The "base rate fallacy," also called "base rate neglect," is a well-known logical fallacy in statistical and probability analysis in which base rates are ignored in favor of individuating results. See, e.g., Maya Bar-Hillel, The base-rate fallacy in probability judgments, ACTA PSYCHOLOGICA Vol. 44 No. 3 (1980).
23. Jonas & Harper, supra note 2 at 7.
25. Thus, even a nominal lift, say the equivalent of that in the direct marketing example, would be significant for purposes of allocating analytic resources in counterterrorism in the pre-first stage selection of a risk-adjusted population to be classified (as described in the discussion of multi-stage architectures in False Positives, infra).
26. The statistical significance of correlating behavior among unrelated entities is highly dependent on the number of observations, however, the correlation of behaviors among related parties may only require a single observation.
27. Jonas & Harper, supra note 2 at 8.
28. See, e.g., David Jensen, Data Mining in Networks, Presentation to the Roundtable on Social and Behavior Sciences and Terrorism of the National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Committee on Law and Justice (Dec. 1, 2002).
29. Also, because of the relational nature of the analysis, using ensemble classifiers actually reduces false positives because false positives flagged through a single relationship with a "terrorist identifier" will be quickly eliminated from further investigation since a true positive is likely to exhibit multiple relationships to a variety of independent identifiers. Id. and see discussion in False Positives, infra. The use of ensemble classifiers also conforms to the governing legal analysis for determining reasonable suspicion that requires reasonableness to be judged on the "totality of the circumstances" and allows for officers "to make inferences from and deductions about the cumulative information available." See, e.g., U.S. v. Arvizu, 534 U.S. 266 (2002).
30. See, e.g., Bruce Schneier, Terrorists Don't Do Movie Plots, WIRED (Sep. 8, 2005). See also Citizens' Protection in Federal Database Act of 2003, seeking to prohibit the "search or other analysis for national security, intelligence, or law enforcement purposes of a database based solely on a hypothetical scenario or hypothetical supposition of who may commit a crime or pose a threat to national security." S. 1484, 108th Cong. §4(a) (2003).
31. Following the arrest warrants issued in 2005 by an Italian judge for 13 alleged Central Intelligence Agency operatives for activity related to extraordinary renditions, several Jihadist websites posted an analysis of tradecraft errors outlined in news reports and the indictment and alleged to have been committed by the CIA agents. These tradecraft errors included the use of traceable cell phones that allowed Italian authorities to track the agents, and the Jihadist websites supplied countermeasure advice.
32. See, e.g., the oft-cited but rarely read student paper Samidh Chakrabarti & Aaron Strauss, Carnival Booth: An Algorithm for Defeating the Computer-assisted Passenger Screening System (2003). Obviously, if this simplistic critique was taken too seriously on its face it would support the conclusion that locks should not be used on homes because locksmiths (or burglars with locksmithing knowledge) can defeat them. No single layer of defense can be effective against all attacks, thus, effective security strategies are based on defense in depth. In a layered system, the very strategy suggested by the paper is likely to lead to discovery of some members of the group, which through relational analysis is likely to lead to the others.
33. It would be inappropriate to speculate in detail in open session how certain avoidance behavior or countermeasures can be detected in information systems.
34. See Ted Senator, Multi-stage Classification, Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM '05) pp. 386-393 (2005) and see Jensen, supra note 21. Among the faulty assumptions that have been identified in the use of simplistic models to support the false positive critique are: (1) assuming the statistical independence of data (appropriate for propositional analysis but not for relational analysis), (2) using binary (rather than ranking) classifiers, and (3) applying those classifiers in a single pass (instead of using an iterative, multi-pass process). An enhanced model correcting for these assumptions has been shown to greatly increase accuracy (as well as reduce aggregate data utilization). Id.
35. See Senator, supra note 34 and Jensen, supra note 21, for a detailed discussion of how ensemble classifiers, rankings, multi-pass inference, known facts, relations among records, and probabilistic modeling can be used to significantly reduce false positives.
36. In multi-stage iterative architectures privacy concerns can be mitigated through selective access and selective revelation strategies applied at each stage (for example, early stage screening can be done on anonymized or de-identified data with disclosure of underlying data requiring some legal or policy procedure). Most entities are dismissed at early stages where privacy intrusions may be minimal.
37. The Cato brief perpetuates another common fallacy in stating that "predictive data mining requires lots of data" (p.8). In fact, multi-stage classifier systems actually reduce the overall data requirement by incrementally accessing more data only in subsequent stages for fewer entities. In addition, data mining reduces the need to collect collateral data by focusing analysis on only relevant data. See Jensen, supra note 21.
38. Thus, in actual practice, counterterrorism applications combine both "predictive data mining" (as defined and criticized in the Cato brief) with "pulling the strings" (as defined and lauded in the Cato brief).
40. "Costly" in this context may mean with greater data collection, access, or analysis requirements with attendant increases in privacy concerns.
42. Initial selection and early stage screening might be done on anonymized or de-identified data to help protect privacy interests. Additional disclosure or more intrusive subsequent analysis could be subject to any legal or other due process procedure appropriate for the circumstance in the particular application.
43. It needs to be recognized that "false positives" are not unique to data mining. All investigative methods begin with more suspects than perpetratorsindeed, the point of the investigative process is to narrow the suspects down until the perpetrator is identified. Nevertheless, the problem of false positives is more acute when contemplating preemptive strategies, however, it is not inherently more problematic when automated. Again, these are legitimate concerns that need to be controlled for through policy development and system design.
44. See, e.g., David Ignatius, Back in the Safe Zone, WASH. POST (Aug. 1, 2003) at A:19.
45. These and other related legal arguments are discussed in greater detail in Connecting the Dots, supra note 1 at 60-67; Frankenstein, supra note 1 at 143-159, 176-183, 202-217; and on pp. 7-10 of my testimony to the U.S. House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) (July 19, 2006).
46. See United States v. Brignoni-Ponce, 422 U.S. 873, 886 (1975). The Court has never ruled explicitly on whether race or ethnicity can be a relevant factor for reasonable suspicion under the Fourth Amendment. See id. at 885-887 (implying that race could be a relevant, but not sole, factor). See also Whren v. United States, 517 U.S. 806, 813 (1996); Michelle Malkin, IN DEFENSE OF INTERNMENT: THE CASE FOR RACIAL PROFILING IN WORLD WAR II AND THE WAR ON TERROR (2004).
47. United States v. Cortez, 449 U.S. 411, 418 (1981); and see United States v. Sokolow, 490 U.S. 1, 9-10 (1989) (upholding the use of drug courier profiles).
48. See Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347, 361 (1967) (Harlan, J., concurring) Setting out the two-part reasonable expectation of privacy test, which requires finding both an actual subjective expectation of privacy and a reasonable objective one:
My understanding of the rule that has emerged from prior decisions is that there is a twofold requirement, first that a person have exhibited an actual (subjective) expectation of privacy and, second, that the expectation be one that society is prepared to recognize as "reasonable."
49. That is, whether it is a reasonable or rational inference. The Cato brief argues that "reasonable suspicion grows in a mixture of specific facts and rational inferences," supra note 2 at 9, referring to Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968) ostensibly to support its position that "predictive, pattern-based data mining" is inappropriate for use because it doesn't meet that standard. But the very point of predictive, pattern-based data mining is to generate support for making rational inferences. See Jensen, supra note 28.
50. An example of a particular, but not individualized, search follows: In the immediate aftermath of 9/11 the FBI determined that the leaders of the 19 hijackers had made 206 international telephone calls to locations in Saudi Arabia (32 calls), Syria (66), and Germany (29), John Crewdson, Germany says 9/11 hijackers called Syria, Saudi Arabia, CHI. TRIB. (Mar. 8, 2006). It is believed that in order to determine whether any other unknown personsso-called sleeper cellsin the United States might have been in communication with the same pattern of foreign contacts (that is, to uncover others who may not have a direct connection to the 19 known hijackers but who may have exhibited the same or similar patterns of communication as the known hijackers) the National Security Agency analyzed Call Data Records (CDRs) of international and domestic phone calls obtained from the major telecommunication companies. (That the NSA obtained these records is alleged in Leslie Cauley, NSA has massive database of Americans' phone calls, USA TODAY (May 11, 2006). This is an example of a specific (i.e. likely to meet the Constitutional requirement for particularity)but not individualizedpattern-based data search.
51. See, e.g., United States v. Sokolow, supra note 47.
52. 328 F. Supp 1077 (E.D.N.Y. 1971) (although the court in Lopez overturned the conviction in the case, it opined specifically on the Constitutionality of using behavior profiles).
53. Hijacker profiling was upheld in Lopez despite the 94% false positive rate (that is, only 6% of persons selected for intrusive searches based on profiles were in fact armed). Id.
54. "Policy appliances" are technical control and logging mechanisms to enforce or reconcile policy rules (information access or use rules) and to ensure accountability in information systems and are described in Designing Technical Systems to Support Policy, supra note 1 at 456. See also Frankenstein, supra note 1 at 56-58 discussing "privacy appliances." The concept of "privacy appliance" originated with the DARPA TIA project. See Presentation by Dr. John Poindexter, Director, Information Awareness Office (IAO), DARPA, at DARPA-Tech 2002 Conference, Anaheim, CA (Aug. 2, 2002); ISAT 2002 Study, Security with Privacy (Dec. 13, 2002); IAO Report to Congress regarding the Terrorism Information Awareness Program at A-13 (May 20, 2003) in response to Consolidated Appropriations Resolution, 2003, No.108-7, Division M, §111(b) [signed Feb. 20, 2003]; and Popp & Poindexter, supra note 7.
55. See Markle Taskforce Second Report, supra note 13.
56. See Connecting the Dots, supra note 1.
57. See Paul Rosenzweig, Proposals for Implementing the Terrorism Information Awareness System, 2 GEO. J. L. & PUB. POL'Y 169 (2004); and Using Immutable Audit Logs to Increase Security, Trust and, Accountability, Markle Foundation Task Force on National Security Paper (Jeff Jonas & Peter Swire, lead authors, Feb. 9, 2006).
58. Further, public disclosure of precise authorized procedures or prohibitions will be counterproductive because widespread knowledge of limits enables countermeasures.
Responses to follow up questions of Senator Arlen Specter
by Kim A. Taipale (01/30/07)Cite as: Hearing on "The Privacy Implicationsof Government Data Mining Programs" before the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary (January 10, 2007) (Responses to Follow-up Questions of Senator Alren Specter by Kim A. Taipale) available at
Question 1. How do you respond [to] Mr. Barr's statement that "it is absurd for the government to use databases to predict individual's future acts"?
As I stated in my written testimony:
[P]reemption of attacks that can occur at any place and any time requires information useful to anticipate and counter future events-that is, it requires actionable intelligence based on predictions of future behavior. Unfortunately, ... prediction of future behavior can only be [based on] evidence of current or past behavior or from associations. [FN1]
It is a necessary and increasingly mandated function of government intelligence and law enforcement agencies to make predictions about future events-to provide actionable intelligence-particularly in the context of preempting terrorist attacks. Indeed, it is a cardinal objective of counterterrorism intelligence to make probabilistic predictions about possible future behavior based on available information about current or past behavior or associations. Although there are legitimate privacy and civil liberties concerns that need to be addressed with any preemptive approach to terrorism, there should be no intrinsic difference in the policy analysis merely because drawing appropriate inferences (that is, producing actionable intelligence) is augmented through computational means, including "data mining," or if the information to support the inferences resides in "databases."
The difficulty--as highlighted by question 2 below--is in deciding what information or database is appropriate to use, for what purpose, in what circumstances, and with what consequences; and the problem, unfortunately, is that the relevance and appropriateness of using any particular information (or accessing any particular database) to make inferences cannot easily be pre-determined (nor judged in isolation without considering the particular circumstances of its use).
To some extent this is exactly where computational analytic applications such as data mining can help--that is, by identifying previously unknown patterns or relationships among data (by providing the data with relational context) they can help focus human intelligence analysts on relevant information.
It is important to again note that the purpose of data analysis in counterterrorism is not to search randomly for purely statistically significant patterns in the abstract. That is, not to find patterns derived merely from statistical correlations among unrelated individuals in order to make predictions about how other unrelated subjects may act in the future. Rather, the purpose is to find, identify, and search for specific patterns of rare occurrences.
Identifying these patterns--for example, relational or link-based patterns like shared phone numbers, addresses, or frequent flyer accounts; or descriptive or predictive patterns like observed or hypothesized behavior of individuals or groups pursuing like outcomes--is not the same as the often vilified "data dredging" for general patterns of simple correlation (in which data mining is criticized for producing irrelevant correlations like "terrorists tend to order pizza with credit cards"). [FN2]
There is no silver bullet--no technology that will "find terrorists" on its own and no data that can absolutely predict future behavior. However, in appropriate circumstances, data mining can help shift intelligence or law enforcement resources or attention to more productive outcomes by identifying or matching observed, hypothesized, and, in specific contexts, statistically-derived descriptive or predictive models from information contained in databases.
Question 2a. Would you say that the privacy concerns raised at the hearing are not related to the use of the data mining technology but instead to the use of the underlying data, the government and commercial databases that are being analyzed?
Many of the privacy concerns raised at the hearing--for example, problems with watch lists--have little to do with data mining. Thus, focusing only on data mining (that is, solely on the method of query or analysis) as the primary policy problem would be a mistake since it is only one of many factors-and certainly not the most important one-that need to be taken into account in considering privacy matters.
As I noted in my oral testimony, privacy concerns are a complex function involving scope of access, sensitivity of data, and method of query. How much data and from what source? How sensitive is the data? And, how specific is the query?
Further, privacy interests (that is, those privacy concerns entitled to Constitutional or statutory protection because they are recognized as reasonable) cannot be evaluated independently of the context of use-that is, how is the information to be used and with what consequences? What are the government's needs and the consequences of not acting? What are the alternatives? What are the consequences to the individual? What opportunities are there for error correction or redress?
Thus, for example, with a lot of predicate (say, "probable cause") and a very specific query (say, "subject-based") you can tolerate as reasonable quite severe privacy intrusions and consequences to the individual, even in a free society. However, even ambiguous predicate and a less particular query (say, a hypothesized "predictive pattern") might be reasonable where there are minor consequences to the individual (for example, a simple follow up data match against a watch list), robust error detection and correction for inferences that turn out to be invalid, and where there may be catastrophic consequences in not acting.
The relationship between scope of access, sensitivity of data, and method of query, and how these relate to reasonableness, due process, and threat, is a complex calculus that I have described elsewhere. [FN3]
As a policy matter, however, issues relating specifically to the use of data mining technologies for analysis should be distinguished both from (i) issues relating more generally to the collection, aggregation, access, or fusion of the underlying data, on the one hand, and (ii) issues relating to decision-making-that is, determining what thresholds trigger what action, and what consequences flow from such triggers, on the other.
Question 2b. Do you believe that the government's use of commercial databases raises privacy issues?
The use of commercial databases certainly raises additional--or at least different--privacy issues than the use of information collected directly under specific authorities for law enforcement or counterterrorism use. [FN4]
However, it is not the commercial nature of the source alone that is relevant to the analysis. Thus, it may be useful to consider a spectrum of informational databases, for example:
- Government databases containing lawfully collected intelligence or law enforcement data,
- Government databases containing routinely collected government data (that is, data collected in the ordinary course of providing government services) and that is normally subject to the Privacy Act or other statutory protections (for example, tax information or information collected pursuant to various entitlement reporting requirements),
- Commercial databases that contain commercially aggregated public data that are either freely available or can be accessed by anyone for a fee (for example, directories or collections of published material),
- Commercial databases that contain government data aggregated from "public" sources and that can be accessed by anyone for a fee (for example, court records, property deeds, licensing information),
- Commercial databases containing proprietary private data that can be accessed by anyone for a fee (for example, marketing data, subscription lists, etc.),
- Commercial databases that contain "regulated" private data that can generally be accessed for a fee for legally authorized purposes (for example, credit reports, or medical or insurance data),
- Commercial databases containing proprietary private data generally not available to others (for example, account information, transaction history, telecommunication logs).
So, for example, using routinely collected government information (ii, above) for counterterrorism purposes may raise many of the same issues as using "commercial" information (particularly, v and vi, above) because of the issues discussed below; while using commercial aggregations of truly publicly-available information (for example, iii and iv, above) may only raise incidental issues of increased government efficiency in accessing information that may not be subject to any general expectations of privacy.
A threshold issue, of course, is whether data lawfully acquired from any of these categories for one purpose should be entirely free of constraints for retention or subsequent use for other purposes as is currently generally the case. For example, even "private" data not generally available to third parties (vii, above) may be available to law enforcement for one purpose, for example, counterterrorism through a national security letter; but should it then be retained, shared and made available as law enforcement or intelligence data (i, above) for any subsequent purpose, reuse, or dissemination without any further use restrictions? (See discussion of "authorized uses" in answer to question 3 below).
Subsequent or secondary use of any data (that is, any use unrelated to the purpose of the original collection or disclosure) raises two related concerns: data quality or reliability and expectations of privacy. I discuss expectations of privacy in my answer to question 2c, below.
The data quality or reliability concern is that data collected for one purpose may not be suitable for another. Thus, data collected for a routine government or commercial purposes where the consequences of using erroneous data are innocuous may not be appropriate for use in a context where outcomes may be consequential. This may be an even greater problem with the use of commercial data since commercial data users tend to deal with error purely as a percentage cost of aggregate benefit (thus, they "invest" in accuracy only on an aggregated basis), whereas use in counterterrorism may have significant individuated consequences.
The commonly expressed example of this is that the consequences of using bad marketing data in the private sector are that someone may receive junk mail that they are not interested in--incurring a slight cost to the commercial data user and a minimal intrusion on the individual. However, the consequences of using that same erroneous data in counterterrorism may be more severe--both for the government user who may rely on the information and to the individual who may become the object of government action.
The problem may be exacerbated when the data is not subject to any mandated quality requirements--for example, when routine government information becomes exempt from the data accuracy requirements of the Privacy Act through the law enforcement or national security exceptions, or when commercial data subsequently used in law enforcement is never subject to such requirements in the first place. Thus, the data reliability problems associated with data repurposing--especially of commercial data--must be recognized and addressed.
Therefore, as a matter of sound policy and to the extent possible, all data--regardless of where it originates--should be subject to some data quality assessment appropriate to its use in specific counterterrorism applications. Further, the severity of the consequences resulting from its use should generally relate proportionally to its reliability. Thus, for example, a different, and perhaps lower, accuracy standard could be acceptable for information used for general investigative purposes (as long as the potential for error is calibrated) than would be acceptable for information used to deny a particular person a liberty, for example, the "no-fly" list.
These and other issues relating to the use of private sector data are discussed in the Second Report of the Markle Task Force in the more general context of government information sharing. [FN5] Parts of that analysis may have relevance here.
Question 2c. Do individuals have an expectation of privacy with respect to information contained in commercial databases?
Individuals have varying expectations of privacy in all their personal information, including information contained in commercial databases. The obligatory analysis, however, requires assessing both the subjective expectation of privacy and determining a reasonable objective one:
[T]he rule that has emerged from prior decisions is that there is a twofold requirement, first that a person have exhibited an actual (subjective) expectation of privacy and, second, that the expectation be one that society is prepared to recognize as "reasonable." [FN6]
Subjective expectations of privacy for information in databases can vary according to the sensitivity of the data and the purpose or intentionality of the original disclosure. Thus, subjective expectations relating to very personal or sensitive data, such as financial data or medical data in commercial databases might be high; while those relating to other data, such as general public information in commercial directories, might not. Likewise, information originally disclosed to third parties incidentally in the ordinary course of life-for example, in commercial transaction records that may include personal information for billing purposes-might be subject to higher subjective expectations of privacy than information specifically disclosed for evaluation, for example, on a disclosure form.
Many of these subjective expectations have been recognized through explicit statutory privacy protection that protect particular classes of information deemed sensitive. These statutes generally require that use of these types of information conform to particular procedures. For example, census data, medical records, educational records, tax returns, cable television records, video rental, etc. are all subject to their own statutory protection, usually requiring an elevated level of procedure, for example, a warrant or court order instead of a subpoena, to gain access.
Nevertheless, the general legal rule is well established--in the absence of specific statutory protection information voluntarily given to a third party can be conveyed by that party to government authorities without violating the Fourth Amendment because there can be no reasonable "expectation of privacy" for information that has already been disclosed. [FN7] Thus, there is likely no Fourth Amendment prohibition to government acquisition of commercially available data (although the "wholesale" acquisition of entire commercial datasets has not been considered directly). Some have questioned whether this blanket rule is still appropriate where vast amounts of personal information is now maintained by third parties in private sector databases; where storage, search and retrieval tools allow such information to be subsequently and regularly reused for other purposes; and where government seeks to acquire complete datasets rather than information specific to any particular subject of interest. [FN8]
Nevertheless, it seems foregone that appropriately authorized government agencies should, and will ultimately, have access to data that is generally available from commercial databases. It would be an unusual polity that demanded accountability from its representatives to prevent terrorist acts yet denied them access to tools or information widely available in the private sector. For example, it seems politically untenable that a private debt collector or marketing firm could have legal access to data from a commercial database and that a lawfully acting intelligence agency seeking to prevent a terrorist attack with nuclear weapons would not.
Thus, it is the procedures under which access to commercial data should be allowed--that is, under what authorities and with what oversight and review should access and use be permitted. These issues are addressed in part in the answer to the next question.
Question 3. Do you have any concern that the government is using or may use contracts with private industry to evade privacy laws, FOIA rules, [and] constitutional protections that apply to the government?
Government outsourcing of traditional government functions--which is currently ongoing in many spheres including military operations, intelligence, law enforcement, and corrections--should generally be subject to the same or analogous Constitutional and statutory protections, oversight, and review as if the government were doing them directly.
In the context of this hearing there are two general types of activity of concern: (i) the outsourcing of information collection through the acquisition of commercial data or datasets, and (ii) the outsourcing of intelligence production or security services through the use of private contractors to provide analysis or surveillance.
As discussed in the preceding answer, it seems both reasonable and inevitable that properly authorized agencies of the government should have access to data that is commercially available to private parties. The problem arises when such data--once initially acquired for a particular and appropriate purpose--is in effect transformed thereafter into law enforcement or intelligence data not subject to any additional reuse or sharing restrictions. This problem is made worse when government acquires or accesses entire datasets.
Existing laws and policies are generally based only on controlling the initial collection or access to data--not the subsequent use or reuse. These rules were adequate when information retention and subsequent reuse was difficult to accomplish due to technical limitations--privacy was protected in part through these inefficiencies. However, these rules are outdated in the present context in which the use or reuse of available information (not its collection) is the primary challenge. Further, maintaining distinctions based on why the data was originally collected, and by whom, are simply unworkable in the present context of widespread data aggregation and commercial availability of datasets composed from diverse sources.
Thus, these outdated rules should be replaced or supplemented by a new, more flexible and dynamic regime based on an authorized use standard. An authorized use standard would improve the government's ability to use information in appropriate circumstances while still protecting privacy and civil liberties.
An authorized use standard would be a mission- or threat-based justification for accessing or using information in a particular context. The concept of an authorized use standard for sharing lawfully acquired intelligence is discussed in the Third Markle Report. [FN9] The same kind of analysis and standard may also have more general applicability to the use of commercially available data.
Under an authorized use standard, the use of commercially available data (as well as the use of data mining technologies, for that matter) could be authorized, oversighted, and reviewed according to guidelines based on the legal authorities and specific mission of the government agency involved, the sensitivity of the information, and the intended uses and consequences in the peculiar circumstances and needs surrounding its use. Such a standard would be more flexible-allowing appropriate uses but still protecting privacy and civil liberties-than the existing regime based only on binary control of the initial collection or access.
The outsourcing of intelligence production or security services by directly contracting for analysis or surveillance raises additional issues. As a general rule these contracted services should be subject to similar legal protections as if the government were engaged in them directly. However, it may be that in particular circumstances that these rules or requirements will have to be modified to accommodate the specific differences between contracted services and direct action, and to meet the commercial needs of contractors. So, for example, where government contracts for surveillance or analysis services that but for the contracting would be provided directly by a government agency, the rules (including oversight) should be more or less the same as if the government had acted directly. However, where government contracts for analysis or surveillance services that are generally available to any private party on a commercial basis, the appropriate disclosure and oversight regime may have to conform to commercial requirements needed to protect proprietary interests.
Question 4. There are a number of laws on the books already, such as the Privacy Act and E-government Act of 2002, requiring transparency when the government uses personal information, and there are a number of proposals to increase such transparency that are specifically aimed at data mining. Do you believe transparency is important when it comes to government's use of data mining technology, or do you think that it would hamper the government's ability to use technology effectively?
"Transparency"--generally achieved through reporting and disclosure requirements--is an essential condition for ensuring effective oversight and accountability. However, there are two issues with respect to proposals to increase transparency specifically for data mining: first, can or should specific reporting and disclosure requirements be based on a technology or method of analysis (particularly one with no agreed definition), and, second, how much disclosure is appropriate without hampering effective uses or compromising national security interests.
Because the appropriateness of any particular use of data mining technology ultimately will be highly conditional on the circumstances of its application, including the specific authorities under which an agency is acting and the particular mission or operational needs at the time of use, it would seem unworkable--except perhaps as an interim step to initiate debate--to impose singular or uniform reporting or disclosure requirements simply based on analytic technique. As a general rule, effective oversight and accountability--including reporting and disclosure--could be better achieved using familiar mechanisms that relate oversight and requirements to specific agencies or jurisdictions. (And, an "authorized use" standard as discussed in the previous answer, would enable appropriate government use of commercially available information and data mining technology while still protecting core privacy and civil liberty values by empowering more focused and, thus, effective oversight.)
Another problem with requiring specific disclosures for "data mining" is that there is no universally accepted definition of what data mining is and, for reasons set forth in my written testimony, there is no easy line to draw between "pattern-based" and other queries. Thus, for example, the definition used in the recently introduced Federal Agency Data Mining Reporting Act of 2007--that is, use of a "predictive pattern or anomaly indicative of ... criminal activity" to query a database--would seem to encompass (and make no distinction among) long accepted as appropriate uses like Securities and Exchange Commission programs to identify insider trading and rogue brokers from trading records, Internal Revenue Service programs to select returns for audit, Treasury Department efforts to monitor money laundering, certain telecommunication network monitoring to maintain service, on the one hand, and more controverted programs that seem to be the subject of concern, on the other. The utility of detailed, and perhaps onerous, reporting requirements for all "data mining" programs may be an overly broad legislative response to a narrower concern.
Further, appropriate transparency is not the same thing as public disclosure. Thus, care must be taken in any reporting and oversight structure to avoid hampering effective uses or compromising national security interests. Thus, general disclosure of government-wide limitations or restrictions--for example, declaring that certain information or technologies were "off limits" in all circumstances or that they can be used only under certain delineated and predetermined operational circumstances--would be inappropriate. Public disclosure of limitations or restrictions--even if only broadly outlined--can encourage and facilitate the development of specific avoidance strategies aimed at taking advantage of known limits. [FN10] Even simple reporting of programs and disclosure of which agencies are using what data and what technologies is likely to impact effectiveness. [FN11]
Thus, reporting requirements, disclosure and discussion about what information is or should be available for use by lawfully acting security services under what circumstances, and what technical methods of analysis are appropriate for use in counterterrorism, should be decided and overseen through existing mechanisms-including the Congressional judiciary and intelligence committees-using established procedures and practices designed to protect even broad disclosures that may implicate national security.
However, such oversight can only be successful in enabling appropriate uses while protecting against potential abuse or misuse if all participants work together in good faith in executing their responsibilities.
1 Hearing on the Privacy Implications of Government Data Mining Programs before the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary (Jan. 10, 2007) (Written Testimony of Kim A. Taipale at 5).
2 See Erik Baard, Buying Trouble: Your grocery list could spark a terror probe, VILLAGE VOICE (Jul. 30, 2003) (anecdotally describing a correlation model (attributed to an unidentified source) that supposedly "showed 89.7 percent accuracy 'predicting' [the 9/11 hijackers] from the rest of population, [in which] one of the factors was if you were a person who frequently ordered pizza and paid with a credit card.") This fanciful anecdote (which, in any case, conflates a single correlated attribute with a predictive "factor" supporting an inference) became the singular unfounded source of rampant uninformed speculation, commentary and criticism about the government seeking to "find terrorists by searching credit card transactions for pizza purchases." See, e.g., Electronic Frontier Foundation, Comments on Interim Vessel Security Regulations, USCG-2003-14749, U.S. Dept. of Transportation (2003) ("Data that has been scooped up ... include such activities as ... those who like to order pizza via credit card.")
3 For a more detailed discussion of these issues, see Towards a Calculus of Reasonableness in Technology, Security and Privacy: The Fear of Frankenstein, the Mythology of Privacy, and the Lessons of King Ludd, 7 YALE J. L. & TECH. 123 at 202-217 (Mar. 2004) available at
4 See generally Markle Task Force on National Security in the Information Age, Second Report: Creating a Trusted Network for Homeland Security at 30-37, 56-67, 150-162 (2003) (discussing the use of private data for anational security purposes) available at; James X. Dempsey & Lara M. Flint, Commercial Data and National Security, 72 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 1459, at 1465-1468 (2004) (providing a detailed discussion of the policy and legal implication relating to the use commercial data for counterterrorism) at
5 Markle Task Force on National Security in the Information Age, Second Report: Creating a Trusted Network for Homeland Security at 30-37, 56-67, 150-162 (2003) available at
6 Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347, 361 (1967) (Harlan, J., concurring).
7 See United States v. Miller, 425 U.S. 435, 441-443 (1976) (holding that there is no reasonable expectation of privacy in banking records held by third party).
8 See, e.g., Fred H. Cate, Legal Standards for Data Mining in EMERGENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND ENABLING POLICIES FOR COUNTER TERRORISM (Robert Popp & John Yen, eds., 2006).
9 Markle Task Force on National Security in the Information Age, Third Report: Mobilizing Information to Prevent Terrorism at 32-41 (2006) available at
10 For example, following disclosure of the NSA Terrorist Surveillance Program and broad public discussion of how FISA requirements may be applicable to international telephone conversation that terminate in the United States, some Jihadist websites specializing in countermeasure tradecraft have suggested acquiring VoIP telephones with domestic U.S. telephone numbers precisely so as to make surveillance more difficult by appearing to be domestic or U.S. person protected communications even when the calls in fact are wholly foreign.
11 Just as the mere disclosure of the existence of a particular "spy" satellite (much less its capabilities) is likely to undermine its effectiveness. Overseeing data access and data mining for counterrorism applications must be governed as a national security and intelligence matter, not as a routine law enforcement one.
See also:
Ellen Nakashima and Alec Klein, "Daylight Sought For Data Mining," Washington Post D:03 (Jan. 11, 2007):
Kim Taipale, executive director of the Center for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology Policy, called data mining "a productivity tool . . . to make better use of limited resources" in fighting terrorism.
"Some innocent people will be burdened in any preemptive approach to terrorism, and unfortunately some bad guys will get through," he said. But if implemented correctly with oversight, "we can correct errors."
Ryan Singel and Kevin Poulsen, "Privacy To Be Tone for New Senate Judiciary Committee," 27B Stroke 6 (WIRED News) (Jan. 10, 2007).
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